
Trouble Between The Boss and The Employee

Hi everyone, today, I am going to talk about how to prevent and solve a trouble between the boss and the employee. 
Recently, the government has been investigating the working environment in companies from all over Japan. They want to find out the real situation regarding the so-called "black" companies. 

These companies that make their employees work in *harsh*, often illegally harsh environment, are not rare. In fact, most of the new and small businesses are considered to be "black"... For example, employees doing overtime without any pay is almost a norm among these small companies. The government want to *crack down* on this situation, and I expect the labor law is going to be more strict in the near future. 

Another form of trouble between a boss and an employee is harassment - sexual harassment and power harassment. Of course, any form of harassment should not be *tolerated*, and it is a serious problem, but at the same time it is quite difficult to judge exactly what is considered to be harassment. It really depends on each situation and the people involved. 

Recently, in Japan, the culture surrounding this issue of harassment has been going through a big change, and where people are *disputing* over harassment, the judgement is getting more and more strict. So, for example, someone who might have gotten away with sexual harassment 5 years ago wouldn't be so lucky now. There was an interesting case that closed a few days ago, where a manager of a company was found guilty of verbal sexual harassment. This was the first case ever where someone was punished for verbal harassment. The victims were always asked to present a physical evidence before this. 

To prevent any form of trouble between the boss and the employee, there are 3 points that you need to be extra careful about. 

First, before signing someone up, make sure you both understand the contract clearly. The employer must present the employee with a clear set of rules and regulations, and make sure the employee has a clear idea about them. 

Second, you must make sure your company is operating legally. Do not work them past the hours they should be working, and if they are, pay them the overtime fee. Very simple. 

And lastly, you need to make sure the company has enough money to provide the employees with a good, legal, working environment. 








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